Tuesday 26 July 2011

Ravichandran Ashwin bowls for cancer awareness at Chennai

India’s cricket crazy populace might be far more accustomed to seeing Ravichandran Ashwin dishing up the doosra on the cricket field, but participants at a cancer awareness programme were bowled over by a verbal doosra that the young spinner tossed out at them. “If you know you’re a habitual smoker and that there’s a high risk of you being affected by cancer, why is it such a problem to come and have yourself checked?” he said and added, “I have to admit I did not know much about cancer till I heard these survivors recount their experiences.” Ashwin inaugurated a cancer awareness programme and free screening camp conducted by the Paterson Cancer Centre, at the Vijaya Health Centre yesterday morning. This initiative also coincides with the centre’s eighth anniversary celebration.

The psychological fear of what they might discover in a medical check-up prevents many from actually getting medical assistance early.

Ashwin recounted how his father, a former cricketer himself, has that mental block against health check-ups.

“Despite being a diabetic, my father is extremely stubborn and refuses to go for periodic health checks unless he is forced to do so,” he said.

“So I understand how scared most of you might be feeling at this point in time. But I assure you, whatever it is you may discover, it’s better that you know about it than stay ignorant.” Oncology experts also affirmed that a high number of ‘advanced stage’ cases they encountered was because the patients were reluctant and scared to get an early medical opinion.
Four ‘cancer ambassadors’ who had been cured of the dreaded disease delivered brief messages on their fight with cancer and emphasised how it is curable and preventable, in this day and age. K Sundarrajan, one of the better informed ambassadors even emphasised that checking the internet for a cure or easy fix had to be avoided and consulting the ‘right doctor’ was the only way.
During his interaction, Ashwin reflected on his personal experience with internet cures, “Being an only child, my mother fusses over me even if I have a minor ailment.

But in recent times, she goes online and checks the internet for cures for my symptoms and immediately follows it.” A practice that he will use with caution, he assured.

Ashwin, who towered above everyone else on stage, proclaimed that he “did not have a single negative cell in his body” and pledged that he would support the cause of cancer awareness in whatever way possible.
The camp is being conducted free of charge. It entails a comprehensive cancer screening process that includes an ultrasound, chest X-ray, besides the standard blood and urine workup. It will continue till July 20.

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